Lose Weight with Vitamin B12 and MIC injections

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps you turn carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from foods into energy for your cells thus increasing your metabolism. The benefits of Vitamin B12 shots include a general reduction in stress, healthier skin, energy level increase, and additional weight loss. Having Vitamin B12 injections are good for most people, but it is not going to be effective for everyone taking it. However, if you are feeling run down, always very active, or feel you need a boost, Vitamin B12 may just be the right supplement to help.

Vitamin B12 injections may be given weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending upon desired results.


Lipotropic (MIC) Injections

Lipotropic (MIC) Injections

MIC injections may help anyone who’s hit a wall in their weight loss efforts. While MIC injections are not a replacement for a good diet and regular exercise, they may rev up your body’s metabolism to operate at peak efficiency, which will help assist you to lose weight more quickly.

MIC injections have been used successfully in combination with weight loss programs for over 30 years. The MIC formulation consists of a combination of “B” Essential vitamins (B-1,2,3,5,6 & B12) and other essential amino acids which are not readily available from the foods that we eat or is not being produced by our body. MIC injections are safe, give energy when reducing caloric intake, and can enhance weight loss results.

MIC injections are given once or twice a week and can help you to lose an additional 1-2 pounds per week in combination with diet and exercise.