
Stretching is a form of physical exercise that involves positioning the body in ways that lengthen the muscles and connective tissues. Stretching tight muscles can also increase range of motion (ROM) in the joints and increase flexibility. Everyone can benefit from stretching, particularly athletes, older adults, individuals who are physically active, and those who are rehabilitating following injury.


Health benefits of stretching

• Decreases muscle tension

• Improves athletic performance

• Improves circulation

• Improves joint ROM (flexibility)

• Prevents injury

• Relieves muscle pain


Tips for stretching

• Relax and breathe normally while you stretch. It can be helpful to breathe out slowly as you lengthen a stretch.

• Stretching should generally be a slow and steady exercise that excludes sudden or jerky movements.

• A mild pulling sensation during stretching is normal; however, avoid stretching that causes any sharp pain—this can mean you’re stretching too far.

• Avoid overextending your joints into a straight and “locked” position during stretching. It’s okay to keep a slight bend at the joint.

• The best time to perform static stretching is when your muscles are warmed up (e.g., after going for a walk).

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