How can I shape my body the way I want it by walking?

  1. Flat Stomach - Walk downhill with small, fast steps, stomach in, shoulders straight. Make your steps as small as possible and very fast.
  2. Shapely Thighs - Walk uphill with long steps, without bending your knees, stomach in, shoulders straight. This will shape your hips as well.
  3. Slimmer Arms - Swing your arms freely as you walk. Feel the pressure in your upper arms as you stretch your arms back and forth.
  4. Slim Waistline - Walk at a medium pace with your hands held high in the air above your head. Keep your hands straight and maintain a perfect posture as you walk.
Continued exercising in the correct way, along with a healthy diet will bring you desired results. As with all exercising regimen you should expect results after at least 40 days of regular exercising.

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